

Bog Standard charts the story of John. All John wants to do, is poo. However, his quick toilet break at work soon becomes a nightmare as John realises that he forgot to check for loo roll...

Written and Directed by Colin Warhurst (Mancattan), Produced by Chris Lane (Invisible Bullets, Will Power, Radio Silence), and starring Michael Justice as John, Bog Standard is a 10 minute short comedy of errors shot in HD on location (in a toilet) in Salford, England.

World Toilet Day

In developed countries we, like John, take simple things like loo roll for granted. Sadly, worldwide, 2.6 billion people still don't have access to a clean, safe toilet, let alone loo roll.

The 19th November is World Toilet Day, a day to raise awareness of the global sanitation crisis.
Bog Standard was made available to watch online for free (here) on World Toilet Day 2010. As filmmakers we hope the humour of the film will encourage people to talk about a seriously neglected topic, sanitation.

The film will be supported by advertising, and the filmmakers will be donating half the advertising revenue in support of WaterAid, a charity who’s mission is to transform lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities.
To find out more about WaterAid, and their latest campaign 'Dig toilets, not graves' click here : www.wateraid.org/uk.